McIntosh Tuner-Preamps
A History
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For complete literature and retail prices of current products Contact McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. |
T = tube |
A complete list of tubes is given for tube tuner-preamps. |
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FM SECTION: Tube. FM Stereo.
Sensitivity 2.5uV. Response 20-20kHz within 1.0dB. Distortion less than 0.6%.
Four IF stages. Two limiters. Separation 30dB. Hum -70dB.
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0.5 -0.5dB) , Distortion 0.2%. Input sensitivity and impedance: aux: 0.3V at 200k, phono: 3mV at 47k, tape head: 3mV at 220k, tape monitor: 0.3V at 100k. Hum and noise: high level -80dB, low level less than 3uV. Tone controls: bass +16dB to -23dB, treble +18 to-18dB. LF filter 50Hz at 12dB/octave. HF filter 5kHz at 12dB/octave. Phase switch: 0 or 180..
FRONT PANEL: Glass panel at top. Anodized gold at bottom. Volume. Input selector: aux, mpx, fm, phono 1, phono 2, tape hd. Dual concentric bass and treble controls. Rocker switches: muting: in or out, filters: lf in or out, hf in or out, loud: in or out, tape monitor: in or out, phase: in or out. Balance, Power. Mode selector: l to l&r, r to l&r, stereo rev, stereo, mono l+r, l+r to l, l+r to r. Tuning knob. Illuminated dial. Electron ray tuning indicator. Mpx light. Panloc buttons.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: ph 2, ph 1 (xtal), ph 1 (mag), tape head, aux, tape monitor. Outputs: main, tape, l+r. Ground screw terminal. Fm antenna screw terminals: 300 or 75 ohm. AC outlets: 2 switched, 1 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
TUBES: 6DS4, 2-12AT7, 6AB4, 3-6AU6, 6CS6, 6HU6/EM87, 6D10, 3-6U8, 12AU7, 3-12AX7, Solid state power supply.
Size: 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 27-1/2 lb. Sold from 1962-1969. Last retail price $399.00
AM SECTION: Sensitivity 12uV, S/N
55dB, Distortion 1%, Response down 6dB at 5kHz, Selectivity 10kHz at -6dB,
Image rejection 60dB.
FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV, Distortion 0.5% in mono, Response 20-20kHz (+1.0 -1.0dB), Capture ratio 1.8dB, Spurious rejection 90dB, Image rejection 75dB,
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0.5 -0.5dB), Distortion 0.1%, Input sensitivity and impedance: aux 0.25V at 250k, phono 2.0mV at 47k. Voltage gain 20dB aux, 62dB phono. Hum and noise: aux -85dB, phono 70dB below 10mV input. Tone controls: bass +16dB to -20dB, treble +20 to-20dB. . LF filter 50Hz at 6dB/octave. HF filter 5kHz at 6dB/octave. Phase switch: 0 or 180.
FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Illuminated. Input selector: aux, tape, fm, am, ph 1, ph 2. Dual concentric bass and treble controls. Pushbutton switches: mono/stereo, lf, hf, tape, muting, loud. Balance. Volume with power switch. Tuning control. Illuminated dial. Electron ray tuning indicator. Stereo light. Panloc buttons.
TOP PANEL: Phase switch, Panel lamp intensity, Muting control.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: aux, tape, ph 1, ph 2. Ground terminal. Outputs: main, tape, l+r. Push terminals: am ant, gnd, 300 ohm and 75 ohm antenna. Scope outputs: tp 1 and tp 2. AC outlets: 2 switched, 1 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
Size: 5-7/16H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 25 lb. Sold from 1968-1971. Last retail price $599.00
FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV,
Distortion 0.5% in mono, Response 20-20kHz (+1.0 -1.0dB), Capture ratio 1.8dB,
Spurious rejection 100dB, Image rejection 80dB,
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0.5 -0.5dB), Distortion 0.1%, Input sensitivity and impedance: aux 0.25V at 250k, phono 2.0mV at 47k. Voltage gain 20dB aux, 62dB phono. Output: 2.5V (10V max). Hum and noise: aux -85dB, phono 70dB below 10mV input. Tone controls: bass +16dB to -20dB, treble +20 to-20dB. . LF filter 50Hz at 6dB/octave. HF filter 5kHz at 6dB/octave. Phase switch: 0 or 180.
FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Illuminated. Input selector: aux, tape, fm, ph 1, ph 2. Dual concentric bass and treble controls. Pushbutton switches: mono/stereo, lf, hf, tape, muting, loud. Balance. Volume with power switch. Tuning control. Illuminated dial. Electron ray tuning indicator. Stereo light. Panloc buttons.
TOP PANEL: Phase switch, Panel lamp intensity, Muting control.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: aux, tape, ph 1, ph 2. Ground terminal. Outputs: main, tape, l+r. Push terminals: gnd, 300 ohm and 75 ohm antenna. Scope outputs: tp 1 and tp 2. AC outlets: 2 switched, 1 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
Size: 5-7/16H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 24 lb. Sold from 1969-1971. Last retail price $549.00
AM SECTION: Sensitivity 75uV, S/N
45dB, Distortion 1%, Response down 6dB at 3500Hz, Selectivity 45dB, Image
rejection 65dB.
FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV, Distortion 0.7% in stereo, Response 20-15kHz (+1.0 -1.0dB), Capture ratio 1.5dB, Spurious rejection 90dB, Image rejection 95dB, Stereo separation 35dB. Selectivity: adjacent channel 15dB IHF, alternate channel 88dB IHF.
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0.5 -0.5dB), Distortion 0.1%, Input sensitivity and impedance: aux 0.25V at 250k, phono 2.0mV at 47k. Voltage gain 20dB aux, 62dB phono. Hum and noise: aux -85dB, phono 70dB below 10mV input. Tone controls: bass +16dB to -18dB, treble +20 to-20dB. . LF filter 50Hz at 6dB/octave. HF filter 5kHz at 6dB/octave. Phase switch: 0 or 180.
FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Illuminated. Input selector: aux, tape, am, fm, ph 1, ph 2. Dual concentric bass and treble controls. Pushbutton switches: mono/stereo, lf, hf, tape, muting, select. Balance. Loudness: in or out. Volume with power switch. Tuning control. Illuminated dial. Tuning meter. Stereo light. Panloc buttons.
TOP PANEL: Phase switch, Panel lamp intensity, Muting control.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: aux, tape, ph 1, ph 2. Ground terminal. Outputs: main, tape, l+r. Push terminals: am ant, gnd, 300 ohm and 75 ohm antenna. Scope outputs: tp 1 and tp 2. AC outlets: 2 switched, 1 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
Size: 5-7/16"H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 26 lb. Sold from 1971-1980. Last retail price $1099.00
FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.5uV,
Distortion 0.7% in stereo, Response 20-15kHz (+1.0 -1.0dB), S/N 70dB, Capture
ratio 1.5dB, Spurious rejection 90dB, Image rejection 95dB, Stereo separation
35dB. Selectivity: adjacent channel 15dB IHF, alternate channel 88dB IHF.
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0.5 -0.5dB), Distortion 0.1%, Input sensitivity and impedance: aux 0.25V at 250k, phono 2.0mV at 47k. Voltage gain 20dB aux, 62dB phono. Hum and noise: aux -85dB, phono 70dB below 10mV input. Tone controls: bass +16dB to -18dB, treble +20 to-20dB. . LF filter 50Hz at 6dB/octave. HF filter 5kHz at 6dB/octave. Phase switch: 0 or 180. Output: main 2.5V (10V max), tape 0.25V, l+r 2.0V.
FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Illuminated. Input selector: aux, tape, fm, ph 1, ph 2. Dual concentric bass and treble controls. Pushbutton switches: mono/stereo, lf, hf, tape, muting, select. Balance. Loudness: in or out. Volume with power switch. Tuning control. Illuminated dial. Tuning meter. Stereo light. Panloc buttons.
TOP PANEL: Phase switch, Panel lamp intensity, Muting control.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: aux, tape, ph 1, ph 2. Ground terminal. Outputs: main, tape, l+r. Push terminals: gnd, 300 ohm and 75 ohm antenna. Scope outputs: tp 1 and tp 2. AC outlets: 2 switched, 1 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
Size: 5-7/16H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 25 lb. Sold from 1972-1974. Last retail price $599.00
AM SECTION: Sensitivity 75uV, S/N
45dB, Distortion 0.8%, Response:20-3500Hz (+0 -6dB), Adjacent channel
sensitivity 30dB IHF, Image rejection 65dB.
FM SECTION: Sensitivity 2.0uV (11.2dBf), Distortion 0.38% in stereo, Response 20-15kHz (+1.0 -1.0dB), Image rejection 100dB, Stereo separation 40dB. Alternate channel selectivity 75dB IHF.
PREAMPLIFIER SECTION: Response 20-20kHz (+0 -0.5dB), Distortion 0.02%, Input sensitivity and impedance: aux 0.25V at 47k, phono 2.2mV at 47k and 50pF. Voltage gain 20dB aux, 61.1dB phono. Hum and noise: aux -100dBA IHF, phono -90dBA IHF. Output: main 2.5V, line 1.25V, headphone 0.75V. Output impedance: main 100 ohms into 5k or higher, line 600 ohms, headphone 8 ohms. Equalizer controls: 30, 750 and 10kHz 12dB boost or cut.
FRONT PANEL: Glass front panel. Illuminated. Input selector: aux, am, fm, mute, ph 1, ph 2. Pushbutton switches: power, monitor: tape 1 and tape 2. tape copy: t1 to t2, t2 to t1. Mono. Headphone jack. Equalizer frequency: 30, 750 and 10kHz. Balance. Loudness: flat to max. Volume. Tuning control. Illuminated dial. signal/tuning led column. mpx light. lighted pointer dial. led input indicators: tape, aux, am, fm, mute, ph 1, ph 2. Panloc buttons.
BACK PANEL: Inputs: ph 1, ph 2, aux, tape 1, tape 2. Outputs: main (2) line, tape 1, tape 2. , ph 1, ph 2. Ground terminal. Scope outputs: vert and hor. Antenna push terminals: am ant, gnd, 300 ohm. 75 ohm coaxial fm connector. Fm preselector switch: in or out. Built-in ferrite antenna. AC outlets: 3 switched, 2 unswitched. Fuse. Panloc mounting.
Size: 5-7/16H, 16"W and 13"D. Weight 24 lb. Sold from 1980-1984. Last retail price $1649.00
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More text and pictures about McIntosh will be added as my research continues. Any comments, corrections, or additions are welcome. |
Created by Roger Russell |