Welcome to Roger Russell's Copyright 1996-2004 by Roger
Russell |
This symbol, or Null-A, means non-Aristotelian, or a multivalued logic (all shades of gray). In comparison, Aristotelian means a two valued logic (only black or white). |
Any additions, comments or corrections are welcome. |
Since 1945 A. E. Van Vogt has been called Van instead of his first name, Alfred. |
A. E Van Vogt died on |
I had my own definition for general semantics after reading the Null-A
books, but the |
I joined the ISGS after learning it actually existed and wasn't just something in The World of Null-A. |
Gordon Gow and Dirk Roos of McIntosh Laboratory were both on the board of directors of the ISGS. |
An interesting biography and pictures. |
Although this series was not his first work, it's the one that made the biggest impression on me. |
Personal experiences in my search for reason and sanity in a world of
superstition and ignorance. |
An extensive list of stories by A.E. Van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull. Includes both short stories and novels. Listed alphabetically and by date. |
Links to other Van Vogt related sites. |
So what is general semantics?
After reading the Null-A novels, I had thought of GS as a discipline for making evaluations and decisions. Van Vogt refers to this system as the cortical-thalamic pause. Instead of reacting immediately and often blindly to a situation, Null-A teaches us to stop and consider our total reaction and options before responding. This requires training for a person to use successfully, particularly on an automatic level. General Semantics, then, offers a method for improving our ability to reason, evaluate, communicate, etc. It involves the recognition and understanding of our thoughts, feelings, bias, judgments, perceptions, assumptions and inferences. It is definitely beneficial for our best interests and survival.
Since then, I have increased my knowledge. A better introduction can be
found on the pages of the Institute
of General Semantics that was founded by Alfred Korzybski and
incorporated in 1938. See how you can relate to the varied aspects of general
semantics. Also, check out the pages of the International Society for General
Semantics founded in 1943 by S. I. Hayakawa.
General Semantics and Roger Russell
These novels also intrigued me when I was in high school. I had no idea there was a real general semantics institute as there was nothing mentioned at the beginning or end of the 1953 paperback edition of "The World of Null-A." It wasn't until the early 1960's that I learned from Richard Trout, a tape correspondence friend and ISGS member, about the connection between the novels and an organization called the International Society for General Semantics. I became a member at that time.
The ISGS has many books available. When I first received the list of books, it was like a list of treasures. I couldn't decide which ones to order first. I have never tired of reading them as I always find something new that I had not paid attention to before. I even learned why I was finding different things at different times.
General Semantics and McIntosh Laboratory
In 1967, I went to McIntosh to interview for an engineering position. You can imagine my surprise when I learned that the executive vice president, Gordon Gow, and the advertising manager, Dirk Roos, were on the board of directors of the ISGS!!
At McIntosh, the teachings of GS were valuable in understanding human
behavior and the thought process. From this, a greater understanding of beliefs
and motivation that related to selling techniques could be found. I personally
found these topics fascinating because it offered several perspectives of
myself that I had not seen before.
A.E. Van Vogt has written many superb
science fiction stories. Today, he is nearly unknown.
A.E. Van Vogt was born
That move changed his life. The city schools were ahead of him and he
became withdrawn and repeated 10th grade. It was at that time he began reading
two books a day. He was up until
While in
His first science
fiction story was inspired by John W. Campbell's Who Goes There? [August
1938 Astounding Science Fiction]. It later was adapted for film as The
Thing From Outer Space. Campbell returned his first story, Vault of the
Beast, for rewriting. His second story, Black Destroyer, made the cover
of the July 1939 issue of Astounding Science Fiction and won first place
in the reader voting for July. It was also patterned after Who Goes There?
They moved to
His wife, Mayne, was born in
Los Angeles was the hub of all kinds of religions, cults and sciences. He was very impressed after reading Science and Sanity, an introduction to non-Aristotelian systems and General Semantics by Alfred Korzybsky. Van Vogt used these theories to create The World of Null-A, starting in August, 1945 issue of Astounding Science Fiction. It was a tremendous success, and also very controversial. Some readers didn't understand what the story was all about and began to explore general semantics and Korzybski for answers. In 1948 he wrote the much awaited sequel, The Players of A.
Van Vogt found that he could not consciously plot stories that would
sell. However, he could sometimes dream his ideas or, more often, aspects of them.
For him, that worked. Perhaps each writer has his own way. His was a conscious
not knowing what's next, dreaming about it, and then incorporating it into the
Van Vogt had met L. Ron Hubbard in 1945. Early in 1950, Hubbard began
calling from
His own writing nearly stopped, as well. Several new titles were reworks
of older stories. After the process of auditing, he was able to break out the
dead end of "automatedness" and move to another level. His method of
writing changed. In 1957, The Mind Cage was written, consciously. It was
also his first attempt to look objectively at the violent male.
Then he wrote The
Expendables that was published in the September 1963 issue of Worlds of
If magazine. A note on the front cover, shown at the left, claimed that it
was Van Vogt's first new story in 14 years. In the early 70's, Van Vogt ended
his involvement with Dianetics.
In 1967, I was fortunate to be in touch with Richard Trout who was corresponding with Van Vogt by tape. Richard was a member of the ISGS and was getting some assistance from him about creating his first story. They were kind enough to let me have copies of those tapes. "Van" mentioned at that time his intention to write six novels for 1970, as well as give lectures. He said his best year was 1943, and this could be another active time. The novels gradually appeared over the next few years.
In 1975, Reflections of A.E. Van Vogt, an autobiography, was published. It was also the year his wife, Mayne, died. He later married again.
His last few books were Cosmic Encounter [1980], Computer Eye [1983] and Null-A Three [1985].
I sent him a printout of this page to his home in
Much of the material for this biography comes from "Reflections of
A. E. Van Vogt". Other material is from various notes and personal tape
recordings made by Van Vogt in the 1960's.
The Null-A stories
In 1945 Van Vogt wrote The World of Null-A, one of the most controversial and successful novels in science fiction literature. It was based on the work of Alfred Korzybski, titled Science and Sanity, An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. This is how many readers learned of general semantics and it became very popular. The Institute of General Semantics (IGS) was founded by Korzybski and incorporated in 1938. It is very active today. The International Society for General Semantics (ISGS) was founded in 1943 by S. I. Hayakawa and is also very active today.
In the World of Null-A, it is the year A.D. 2560. Earth had become a world of Null-A, controlled by the super computer games machine. Gilbert Gosseyn (pronounced Go-Sane), is the main character, who finds himself with strange memories. He came to the games machine only to learn he is not who he thinks he is. He finds he is a pawn, not only in an interplanetary struggle between Earth and Venus, but also with an incredible interstellar empire. He is the only man in the galaxy with a highly developed brain. He must learn to use the full potential of his mind through Null-A training and the cortical-thalamic pause. The fate of Earth is somehow linked to his actions, but there is a mysterious cosmic chess player that appears to be manipulating events.
In 1948 Van Vogt wrote the much awaited sequel, The Players of A. In this continuing saga, Gosseyn finds himself in the body of another person and must attempt to retrain the earlier conditioning of its nervous system. He also seeks the secret of Gosseyn's original purpose and the multiple Gosseyn bodies. He learns of the mysterious Follower, the Predictors and the cosmic chess player who is a third force in a deadly game that spanned the entire galaxy.
In 1985, Van Vogt wrote Null-A Three, the grand finale of the saga of Gosseyn, the man with the extra brain.
The Null-A books are as follows:
World of Null-A |
Players of Null-A |
Null-A and a Search For the Truth
To me the Null-A stories paint a world where men can live by sanity,
reason and clear thinking. A world where self understanding and logic replaces
superstition and ignorance. Van describes a future world of rational people
who, with Null-A training, fight the vestigial forces of imperialism. More than
the action in the story was the concept that such a world of sanity might
someday exist.
Men and women can at last learn to recognize who and what they are by
controlling some of the ancient and perhaps obsolete genetic programming that
had earlier been a social survival factor in our evolution. As a teenager, I
was eager to learn the truth, but people didn't want to talk about the truth.
When I was a freshman in college, I interviewed a psychologist. When asked some
questions about religion, he suggested that I consult a clergyman about these
things. This, of course, was the last place to look for the truth. I didn't
realize then that I was an atheist and applying reason to people obsessed with
strong programming for a way to compensate for the realization of their
inevitable mortality and death. Atheism back then was not discussed or
publicized very much. I had heard of Madeline Murray and the removal of prayer
from school but this didn't really meet the goals I was looking for. I needed a
way to develop my thinking ability--to respond to a discipline based on reason
and logic instead of following well traveled paths of fear and self ignorance.
I was a prime candidate for Null-A training after reading The World of Null-A back in 1953.
Later, I was attracted to the works of Ayn Rand because it contained some
sanity. However, in the Objectivist Newsletters she was very abstract and used
long unfamiliar words. I did enjoy her books such as The Fountainhead, Atlas
Shrugged and We the Living. It still didn't really fill in missing pieces for
Finally, in my early 50's, after seeing Ayn Rand on a Donohue program, I
realize I truly was an atheist and that was it. At that time I sought out a
local group of other "closet" atheists and found that I wasn't alone
in my outlook after all these years.
I had been looking for the assurance of the truth of my fate. All I found
was what others believed and they seemed deaf to any questions. In fact, it
often stirred anger. To them, to question these things was a threat to their
beliefs. This obsession with an afterlife is found in all known civilizations,
past or present. I didn't understand what they were talking about. These words
had no meaning for me. What I was looking for was what Matthew Alper had to say
in his book published last year, The "God" Part of the Brain. "Nevertheless,
once our brain dies, once its cognitive processes stop functioning so does the
consciousness. In whatever form our present store of energy will be
redistributed into the vast universe after physical death, whether it is soil,
gas, or cosmic dust, it will bear no relation to what we are today. Never again
will we exist in the same exact molecular combination. Consequently, never
again will we experience the same conscious state."
Our society has changed a lot since the 1950's. Restrictions on books,
movies, sex information, etc. have decreased dramatically. Matthew Alper says:
"...Rather than having to be stuck in the same delusional framework
nature forged for us, we could use this self knowledge to reach toward
something better, something through which we could perhaps make ourselves more
survivable, more energy efficient--one based on scientific reason--it might mark
the advent of a new stage in our species' evolution." I immediately
thought of The World of Null-A.
Links to Van Vogt related sites
A great place to buy other books by Van Vogt, or anyone else for that matter? |
A nice page by Magnus Axelsson. Contains essays, bibliography interviews and an excellent gallery. |
Lots of information on science fiction, authors and many links. |
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More text and pictures about A. E. Van Vogt will be added as my research continues. Any comments, corrections, or additions are welcome. |
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Created by Roger Russell |